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    2012-11-28"Relaxation" By Kung Shing Mei

    My husband and I are experienced travellers and this was our 4th year of staying at the fullmoon. Everyones idea of holiday is different, we wanted peace and quiet, minimum child input, no "towel on sunbed "antics, no noisey night life, no loud and nosey neighbours. The full moon has to date fullfilled all our requirements, the staff are outstanding in friendliness and service, there has been the odd child but not too many, the only time we experienced too much noise was we were there over chinese new year, when we were innandated with noisey smoking gambling hoards, but this only happened for a couple of days, then they left. All the guests we have encountered have been charming, there is a mix of ages, but enough for all to do their own thing. The food in all the resaurants and cafe is outstanding and plenty of cuisine choices for any palate.We are going back this year, but in some trepidation as the ownership has now gone to Sheriton and we hope this will not have changed the good experiences of the last 4 years.

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    2012-11-27Louisa Seto

    [ 簡約與時代感的交替 ]
    前往馬爾代夫全新開業的 VICEROY,坐水上飛機從高空遠眺已感受它的「巨型」,面積最小的沙灘屋都佔220平方尺,而最大的有680平方尺,每個房間均設有私人泳池,而且樓底相當高,配合米白色的傢俱佈置,具美國式的風格設計,簡約與時代感的交替,精緻大方,難怪我弟妹都說:「很有家居Feel!」。

    [ 有Heart 的廚藝 ]

    [ 由內至外洗滌心靈 ]

    [ 慵懶的午後和夕陽之美 ]

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    2012-10-29Erin Purple 五月天蜜月行*AYADA

    我們結婚了! 我們的蜜月期揀選了馬爾代夫的 AYADA~

    來到馬里機場之後就尋找 AYADA 的服務人員,等其他旅客到齊之後就前往 Maguhdhuva 島
    >> 搭乘內陸飛機約45分鐘 + 快艇55分鐘

    我們入住的是... 水上屋~~~~~ 果然跟照片看到的是一樣的! 一進來先是書桌,之後是很舒適的加大床,隔壁是一整間的浴室,洗澡間,連廁所... 看到窗外的景色,一邊上廁所一邊看海水,實在太美好! 浴間內免費可以使用的針線、棉花棒、垃圾袋、洗澡用品、給男人的刮鬍刀、刮鬍泡、牙刷、髮帽,你想的到都有,竟然... 連「月事」包包都有! 而桌上的咖啡免費的,水也是免費供應 (每天清掃房間時都會換水~) ,蜜月期間送的酒(香檳)帶出陽台,坐在躺椅上看這大海,喝著香檳,真的很想睡....海風吹來好舒服!

    聽說 AYADA 有間雪白玻璃教堂,那時候可能未開?

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    • Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru
    • Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru
    • Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru
    • Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru
    • Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru
    • Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru
    • Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru
    • Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru
    2012-11-28Banyan tree Resort + Angsana By Minnie Chau Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru

    I have recently stayed at Angsana Ihuru which is the sister island / property of the Banyan tree Resort. it's right next door and can be accessed by very short boat ride.
    Banyan Tree resort is ver nice and a great place for some interesting experiences. I for one loved watching the Ray feeding in the evenings. It was only then that i learned how clever and affectionate these beautiful sea creature are. You can also snorkel out to the sea turtle conservatory where they are raising injured and baby sea turtles for release in the wild. it's wonderful.
    I did some diving on the house reef and it was also very nice. I still vote that the house reef next door on Angsana is much nicer and much easier to access. I did not stay at the Banyan Tree this trip so I cannot comment further on this resort but i can say, the staff are extremely nice and helpful and the resort is as beautiful ad you would expect.. This trip was our 2nd stay at Angsana within 3 months (first time in Angsana, Banyan Tree was closed for renovations). maybe next trip we will do it the other way around, stay at Banyan Tree and visit Angsana ;-)

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    • Constance Moofushi Island
    • Constance Moofushi Island
    • Constance Moofushi Island
    • Constance Moofushi Island
    • Constance Moofushi Island
    • Constance Moofushi Island
    • Constance Moofushi Island
    • Constance Moofushi Island
    2012-11-27湊丸人 Constance Moofushi Island


    在決定要出發前往馬爾代夫,並開始作功課,才發現"選島"是一個很重要的課題,會影響入住的品質及價格,及各島的風格及消費又有所不同。而經過幾番的考量,加埋 Sun N Sea 員工的建議,我們選擇了CONSTANCE Moofushi Resort 。這個島不大,小小的。但沙灘超白。景色也不錯。另一個重點是比較新。入住的房費已包三餐及各式酒類飲料,及一次的 Local tour。

    頭一天的行程就是轉機和住首都馬里一晚,新航提供給來渡蜜月的新婚夫婦,和一個蜜月蛋糕,不錯! 不過我倆真的累了,倒頭就睡了一晚。第二天我們第一次坐水上飛機,好興奮! 約20多分鐘後到達,一上島映入眼裡的美景 ~ 酒店四周有很好看的木工裝飾,我很喜歡!

    用餐後,接待人員很好心帶我們去房間,及介紹島上各項設施及免費的服務。這時,才發現我們的房間被升級了! 是不是我們長得英俊和美麗? 房間裡的各式飲品也是無限量供應,紅白酒也是! 房間的主要特色在這個浴室,在水面上的大浴缸,使用時僅記要小心,不要掉下去了,哈哈!

    風景實在不能言喻,隨便拍都像明信片! 而設施應有盡有,實在令人懷念不已!